Saturday, January 31, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 3 (January 29)


We had a great class this week.  At the beginning of the class, I asked the class to pray for my daughter.  She has mono, and she had called me that morning to say that she thought she might have bedbugs in her dorm room because her feet were covered in small bumps.  I'm glad to report that she's doing better, and that the issue wasn't bedbugs but she has a sever allergic reaction to some meds that her doctor gave her.  A hearty "Thank you" to them for agreeing with me in prayer!

Our Quick Write was in recognition of a well-known author.  January 27 was the birthday of Charles Ludwidge Dodgson, more commonly known as Lewis Carroll.  He was a member of Christ Church and told stories to the daughter of the dean, Alice.  These stories became Alice in Wonderland.  For the students' own writing, I had them write about some place that they could imagine as the perfect place -- either real of imaginary.

We had more Latin roots for Words of the Day:
cave -- L. hollow -- English derivatives:  cave, cavity, excavate, cavern, cavernous, excavator
capio -- L. take, seize -- English derivatives:  capture, captive, captivate, captain

The Rough Draft of the Mystery Story was due this week.  I think the students have enjoyed writing these.  My plan is to sit with a cup of tea and read these while the men of the family watch the Super Bowl tomorrow.  I'll have them back to them next week so that they can revise them.

We talked only a little about our literature selections for this week:  "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" and "The Engineer's Thumb."  We have two more stories left in this book. As a Final Exam, they are to write an answer in essay form to the following question:

What Makes a Hero?

Is Holmes a hero?  What qualities do you admire in heroes?  In at least 3 paragraphs, discuss whether or not Holmes possesses these qualities, using examples from the text.  Specific instances and quotes should support your comments.  You may want to consider whether some of the flaws Watson acknowledges keep Holmes from becoming truly heroic in their eyes.  Feel free to compare Holmes with other literary characters.

We spent a lot of time discussing our Grammar topics.  My goal was to work through the comma rule regarding placing a comma following introductory elements and subordinate clauses.  In order to talk about this comma rule, we had to begin with simple sentences and dependent/subordinate clauses and then move on to subordinating conjunctions, compound sentences and then complex sentences.  Fully knowing commas can be a rather complicated process.

Assignments for Next Week
-- Read "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House"
-- Write an essay to answer the question, "What Makes a Hero?"
-- No Grammar worksheet -- we finished it in class

Links this week:
Class Notes

Final for Great Sherlock Holmes Stories

What Makes a Hero?

Is Holmes a hero?  What qualities do you admire in heroes?  In at least 3 paragraphs, discuss whether or not Holmes possesses these qualities, using examples from the text.  Specific instances and quotes should support your comments.  You may want to consider whether some of the flaws Watson acknowledges keep Holmes from becoming truly heroic in their eyes.  Feel free to compare Holmes with other literary characters.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 2 (January 22)


We had a productive class yesterday.  Even if they occasionally need to redirect their attention to the tasks at hand, they're a wonderfully collegial group.

Our Quick Write was in recognition of National Popcorn Day that was on January 19.  I had the students write about either their favorite salty snacks or something popcorn-related.  

Our Words of the Day were the following Latin roots:
amo/ami -- fr. Latin "to love" -- derivatives:  amiable, amicable, amorous, enamored
aqua -- fr. Latin "water" -- derivatives:  aquarium, aqueous, aqueduct, aquifer, aquamarine
audi -- fr. Latin "to hear" -- derivatives:  audiotape, auditory, auditorium, audiophile

Following these beginning of class activities, we quickly discussed the progress on their first writing assignment for the semester.  This first writing assignment is a Mystery Story. Diverging from the essay format, some students are finding this easy while others find it more challenging.  Coming up with a good idea seems to be the hardest part.  However, I have great faith in them,  The Pre-Write was to be done this week, and the Rough Draft is due next week.
The next order of business for our class was our Grammar discussion.  I went over again the elements of a sentences.  In order to know where you put the comma for a complex, compound,  or a compound-complex sentence, you need to understand what independent and dependent clauses are. And you need to know what subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions are.  You see, learning where to put commas also involves learning a lot of other bits of grammar. 
The next comma rule deals with the comma used in lists.  This is often called the series comma, the serial comma, the Oxford comma, and the Harvard comma.  The Oxford, etc. comma is the final comma that is inserted before the conjunction and the last word of a list.  Take this sentence, for example:  I like to eat cookies, brownies, cake, and pie.  The comma between the words "cake" and "and" is considered the serial or Oxford comma.  Students have a worksheet to go with this lesson.  By the way, the syllabus has this week's lesson as "Introductory Elements;" I switched it for something a little simpler since I considered the previous lesson a little more challenging.
Our discussion about the Sherlock Holmes stories centered on the character development of Holmes and descriptions of his personality and abilities.  We also discussed the partnership between Holmes and Watson. 
Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" and "The Engineer's Thumb."
-- Answer 4 questions for one of the two stories
-- Complete the Series Comma Worksheet
-- Rough Draft of the Mystery Story
-- EXTRA CREDIT -- Bring to class an article about the Oxford comma.  Extra points if you bring an article that discourages/disapproves of this comma.

This week's links:
-- Class Notes
-- Series Comma Worksheet
-- Dependent Clause Love Story video
-- Compound-Complex Sentences video

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Dependent Clause Love Story

Compound-Complex Sentences

Series Comma Worksheet

1.8 – Items in a Series
Use a comma to separate words and phrases in a series.  Present usage advocates the use of the comma before and connecting the last two words of a series; some writers, however, prefer to omit the comma before and.  This comma is called the “series comma” or the “Oxford comma.”  When etc. ends a series, it should be preceded and followed by a comma.  Use commas to separate pairs of words in a series.  Use a comma between adjectives preceding a noun when they are coordinate qualifying words.

·         The vendor sells hot dogs, pretzels, hamburgers, and soft drinks.
·         For my birthday I got a sweater, a pair of gloves, a hat, and several other items.
·         Last week a sale of chairs, beds, desks, etc., was advertised in the newspaper.
·         Official and nonofficial, national and state agencies attended the convention in Boston.
·         The boss agreed on a form for a shortened, simplified uniform report.


1.      It makes me wild mad  crazy and frustrated when teachers give too many assignments about commas.
2.      Your bother dropped by with your suitcase blanket lamp books and box of junk.
3.      The corn beans squash tomatoes and various things I don’t recognize are coming up in the garden.
4.      If you’re going upstairs please carry this basket of clothes the pile of mail and whatever those things are over there in the corner.
5.      He collected stamps from Great Britain Ireland Spain France Italy Switzerland and Germany.
6.      We toured the quaint old mining town in Flagstaff, Arizona.
7.      For our picnic, I packed peanut butter and jelly ham and cheese and egg salad sandwiches.
8.      My mother washed by favorite brown flannel shirt.
9.      I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go to Florida California Texas or Mexico for spring break.
10.  My parents cousins neighbors Mr. Smith and Miss Larson came to my recital.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sentences & Commas Worksheets

1.1 – Compound Sentences
Insert the comma in the proper place.
1.       I am going to bed and I am planning on reading this book.
2.       She did not eat the cookies nor did she eat the candy.
3.       Paul is going to the movie and John is going but Sally is not going.
4.       Did Mom go to the concert or did Dad go alone?
5.       Debbie was upset for she wanted to go on that trip but her mother was sick.
6.       Melissa was sick so she left the party early.
7.       It was midnight but it did not seem so late so we went out for dinner.
8.       Cathy caught the heel of one of her shoes in a crack on the sidewalk and the heel broke off.
9.       Susan thought the lemonade was good yet it was a bit too sweet.
10.   Michael threw a fit for he was upset with the dog that had eaten his shoes.
11.   Did Paul go to the movie with Michael or did Michael ask John to go?
12.   Cathy had forgotten to set her alarm so she was late for work.

1.2 – Complex Sentences
Either remove the unnecessary comma or add one where it is needed.
1.       She did not eat the cookies, nor did she chew the gum that Jane made for her.
2.       I am going to bed to read the book, that Elizabeth wrote.
3.       Paul is going to the movie, and may not come home until late.
4.       Did Mary go along, with her parents to the game?

Put the complete sentence in parentheses and underline the fragment.
5.       George could not find his son’s bat or his glove.
6.       Julia ate half of her sandwich and left the other half on the plate.
7.       I was tired of doing homework and went to bed early.
8.       Did the students bring their books or leave them at home.

1.3 – Compound/Complex Sentences
Insert commas where needed.
1.       She wanted to go to bed and read her new book but she didn’t realize that it had fallen behind the sofa.
2.       Jack is going to the movie about World War II so he may be home late because it a three hour long movie.
3.       Denise was upset that she could not go to London but she chose to save her money in order to pay for college.
4.       I told her not to eat the fresh bread but she didn’t pay attention because she was so hungry.

Put the complete sentence in parentheses and underline the fragment.  Add the necessary commas.
5.       Chris had tried to find his puppy but it had run around the house and hid under a bush.
6.       My father told me that he was proud that I had improved my  grades and I celebrated with pizza.
7.       Peter found a part-time job around the corner so it was easy for him to get to work.
8.       I am planning to take the children to the park so that we can have a picnic because their father has the day off.
9.       We took warm clothes with us on the trip because it was supposed to be cold but we didn’t take them out of the suitcase.

Comma Usage

Punctuation, one is taught, has a point: to keep up law and order. Punctuation marks are the road signs placed along the highway of our communication -- to control speeds, provide directions and prevent head-on collisions.

1.1 – Compound Sentences
Two or more sentences held together with coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) form a compound sentence.  A comma must be used before the conjunction.

1.2 – Complex Sentences
Complex sentences contain on complete sentence and at least one fragment of a sentence.  Do not separate these parts with a comma.

1.3 – Compound/Complex Sentences
A compound/complex sentence contains two or more complete thoughts joined with coordinating conjunctions along with at least one sentence fragment.  Compound sentences require commas before the conjunctions.

1.4 – Introductory Elements
Some sentences begin with phrases.  Separate these phrases from the main part of the sentence with a comma.
1.4a – Using Transitional words
            1.4b – Dependent Adverbial Phrases

1.5 – Restrictive Clauses
Some phrases or clauses limit the meaning of the words they are referring to.  Because they are necessary to the meaning of the sentence, they should not be set off with commas.  

When you use who, which, whom, when, or where, decide whether the sentence would be unclear if you omitted it.  If omitting the phrase makes the sentence unclear or changes the meaning, then that part is necessary to the sentence, and you should not use commas.

1.6 – Appositives
An appositive renames the noun or pronoun it follows.  If omitting the appositive would change the meaning of the sentence, then do not set it apart with commas.  If the “renaming” does not change the meaning, then use commas.

1.7 – Parenthetical Comments
Parenthetical comments are those which can be left out but are included to add color or personality to the sentence.

1.8 – Items in a Series
Use a comma to separate words and phrases in a series.  Present usage advocates the use of the comma before and connecting the last two words of a series; some writers, however, prefer to omit the comma before and.  This comma is called the “series comma” or the “Oxford comma.”  When etc. ends a series, it should be preceded and followed by a comma.  Use commas to separate pairs of words in a series.  Use a comma between adjectives preceding a noun when they are coordinate qualifying words.

1.9 – Names
Use a comma to set off inverted names in bibliographies, in indexes, in directories, or in other reference lists.  Use a comma to separate a name from a title or a degree that it follows.  Use a comma to separate a name from a title or degree that follows it.

Do not use a comma to separate compound personal pronouns from the words they emphasize.  Omit the comma when an appositive has become part of the proper name.

1.10 – For similar or identical words
Use a comma to separate similar of identical words standing next to each other, even when the sense or continuity does not seem to require it.

1.11 – In direct quotations
Use a comma to set off direct quotations.  Not that no comma is needed in an indirect quotation.

1.12 – Short Phrases
A comma should follow yes, no, why, well when one of these words is used at the beginning of a sentence.  Use a comma to set off light exclamations.

1.13 – In Addresses
Use a comma to set off a phrase denoting residence or positions but not before ZIP codes.  Omit the comma before the ZIP code number in an address on an envelope; place the number two spaces after the two-letter state abbreviation.

1.14 – In Dates
Use a comma in dates.  A comma may be used to separate the month from the year when the date is omitted; in some current usage, the comma between the month and year is omitted.

1.15 – In Digits
Use a comma to set off figures in groups of more than four digits.
Use a comma to separate two figures or words indicating figures in order to make their meaning clear.

Mystery Story

Write your own Holmes mystery
Using what you have learned about characteristics of a Sherlock Holmes mystery, write your own. It can be a significant mystery (someone stole my car!) or a small one (why do my socks go astray in the dryer?).  It can be funny or serious in tone. As a reminder, include some of the following: 

a. Retelling of an action sequence 
b. Holmes using deductive reasoning 
c. Holmes taking justice into his own hands 
d. Character from a foreign land with a dark past 
e. Holmes unable to solve the case 
f. Exotic murder weapon 
g. Young woman about to be married 
h. Grotesque details 
i. Crime committed

Story Guidelines
Due dates:  Pre-Write due January 22; Rough Draft due January 29;  Final Draft due February 12
Essay length:  500 – 900 words (between 2 and 6 pages)
Rough drafts can be typed or hand-written, but must be double-spaced.
Final draft format:
Typed (if this is not possible, please let me know)
1 inch margins
Name and date on the upper right hand corner
Number the pages on the lower right hand corner
Title centered above the text of the essay

Sherlock Holmes -- Discussion Group Questions

1.    Why has Helen Stoner decided to visit to Sherlock Holmes at that particular time?
2.    Why is Helen Stoner afraid when she comes to see Holmes in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band”?
3.    Why does Holmes quickly suspect that Dr. Roylott is the criminal?
4.    What, if any, significance does Dr. Roylott’s interest in Indian animals have as evidence in solving the mystery?
5.    What does the following statement in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” mean?
Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another. 
6.    Explain which relevant clues you were able to identify in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” and which false clues may have led you astray. Did you know how the crime was committed before Holmes explained it in the end? Why or why not?
7.    Which of the five senses (touch, taste, sound, smell, and sight) are used by Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery of the speckled band? Give details from “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” to support an analysis of the ways in which Holmes uses his sensory abilities to assist him.


Answer 3 of the following questions on a separate piece of paper.
1.    What details make the mood of the story spooky?  Find five details that contribute to the mood.  
2.    Do you think that the engineer in this story should have know something illegal was going on at Colonel Stark’s home?  What clues might have led him to this conclusion?
3.    If he did suspect an illegal operation before he agreed to take the job, would that make the engineer at least partly guilty of a crime himself for agreeing to repair the press?
4.    If you had been the engineer at the beginning of the story, needing a job desperately but offered such unusual conditions, what would you have done?
5.    Watson begins the tale by noting that this is not a typical case, for it gives Holmes few opportunities to use his deductive methods of reasoning.  Does the story still meet the requirements of a good detective story?  Why or why not?


For each book:
Select 8 words from each short story that are unfamiliar to you.  List them (along with the page number), give any roots, and give a definition that fits with the meaning used in the story.

Sherlock Holmes Quotes

“A Scandal in Bohemia
·         You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.
·         It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
·         To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name.

“The Red-Headed League”
·         I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life.
·         It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won't speak to me for fifty minutes.

 “The Five Orange Pips”
·         A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library...
·         As Cuvier could correctly describe a whole animal by the contemplation of a single bone, so the observer who has thoroughly understood one link in a series of incidents should be able to accurately state all the other ones, both before and after.
·         It is not so impossible, however, that a man should possess all knowledge which is likely to be useful to him in his work, and this, I have endeavoured in my case to do.
·         A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he can get it if he wants it.

“The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle”
·         My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know.
·         On the contrary, Watson, you can see everything. You fail, however, to reason from what you see. You are too timid in drawing your inferences.
·         My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know.

The Adventure of the Speckled Band”
·         "You are Holmes, the meddler."
My friend smiled.
"Holmes, the busybody!"
His smile broadened.
"Holmes, the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!"
Holmes chuckled heartily.
·         "When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals. He has the nerve and he has the knowledge."
·         Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.

The Adventure of the Copper Beeches”
·         "Data! Data! Data!" he cried impatiently. "I can't make bricks without clay."
·         The lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.
·         "I am glad of all details," remarked my friend, "whether they seem to you to be relevant or not."

·         "Do you know, Watson," said he, "that it is one of the curses of a mind with a turn like mine that I must look at everything with reference to my own special subject. You look at these scattered houses, and you are impressed by their beauty. I look at them, and the only thought which comes to me is a feeling of their isolation and of the impunity with which crime may be committed there."


            Even people who have never read the Sherlock Holmes stories often know something
about his character.  If nothing else, they will associate the line, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” with him, although the literary Holmes never actually put these words together – only his film counterparts say them.  Although Conan Doyle named Holmes for one of his favorite authors, Oliver Wendell Holmes, he imagined Dr. Joseph Bell’s appearance for his hero: around six feet tall, with a thin “razor-like” face, a large nose, like a hawk, and small, sharp eyes.  Interestingly, Conan Doyle said the pictures of Holmes usually depict him as handsomer than he imagined him himself.  Holmes wears dressing gowns inside and a cape with a deerstalker hat outside, and he usually appears with a pipe or a magnifying glass in his hand. 

            Entirely unemotional, Holmes remains aloof, coolly rational, and arrogant.  He is often irritable and he possesses several idiosyncrasies that try the patience of even his longsuffering best friend, Watson.  He clutters his rooms with paperwork from his cases and paraphernalia from his numerous scientific experiments.  Watson complains that he keeps his cigars in the coalscuttle, his tobacco in one of his slippers, and his unanswered letters transfixed to the mantle with a jackknife.  He can play the violin well when he wishes to, but Holmes more often scrapes annoyingly and tunelessly on the strings.  He uses the walls of his home for target practice.  Moody and plagued by boredom when no case demands his attention, he injects a 7% solution of cocaine, a habit that his concerned friend finally helps him break.  

            Holmes possesses exceptional gifts and an encyclopedic knowledge of some areas, but remains willingly ignorant of many others, declaring he would rather not clutter his mind with facts that cannot help him solve his cases, even whether or not the earth travels around the sun.  He is respectful and polite to women, but he insists he would never let himself fall in love and marry, as Watson does.  In some ways Holmes resembles a Romantic hero, standing apart from society and even breaking its laws on occasion to obtain the clues he desires.  He will even allow a proven criminal to go free, insisting that he is not, after all, a policeman.  Holmes also can give the impression that his motives for solving his cases have less to do with combating crime or doing good than with amusing himself or impressing others.  

            In “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” when he finds what he supposes is the dead body of
his client, he cries out in rage and grief – at the black mark now on his reputation: “In order to have my case well rounded and complete,” he exclaims to Watson, “ I have thrown away the life of my client.  It is the greatest blow which has befallen me in my career.”  Interestingly, when Joseph Bell learned of his former student’s claim that he was the great detective’s inspiration, he admitted to only a slight resemblance, writing back to Doyle, “You are yourself Sherlock Holmes.”   Conan Doyle confessed, “…A man cannot spin a character out of his own inner consciousness and make it really life-like unless he has some possibilities of that character within him – which is a dangerous admission for one who has drawn so many villains as I.”

            In appearance at least, Conan Doyle seemed to share more with Dr. John Watson, whom he named after a friend, Dr. James Elmwood Watson, than he did with Holmes.  Like Doyle, Watson is a large, athletic man, wearing a bushy mustache.  Like Doyle, Watson studied medicine at Edinburgh University, and he served his country during wartime also.  He loves sports and has an eye for an attractive lady, and like Doyle, he marries more than once.  Watson is as even-tempered and genial as Holmes is moody and aloof.  Their temperaments make them opposites, but the most striking contrast between Holmes and Watson comes when they work together on a case.  Watson consistently fails when he tries to use his friend’s methods of deduction, and he often complains about how foolish Holmes makes him feel.  In “The Hound of the Baskervilles” Holmes tells Watson, “It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but you are a conductor of light.  Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.”  Yet Watson recognizes that for all his friend’s arrogance, Holmes needs him, and not just to record his history. 

            In “The Adventure of the Creeping Man” Watson notes, “He was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and I had become one of them.  As an institution I was like the violin, the shag tobacco, the old black pipe, the index books, and others perhaps less excusable.  When it was a case of active work and a comrade was needed upon whose nerve he could place some reliance, my role was obvious.  But apart from this I had uses.  I was a whetstone for his mind.  I stimulated him.  He liked to think aloud in my presence.  …If I irritated him by a certain methodical slowness in my mentality, that irritation served only to make his own flame-like intuitions and impressions flash up the more vividly and swiftly.  Such was my humble role in our alliance.”  Watson clearly foils Holmes; he is certainly less brilliant, less able, less confident.  But he might be more human, as Doyle himself suggested.

Characteristics of a Detective Story

C. Hugh Holman’s A Handbook to Literature defines a detective story as “a novel or
short story in which a crime, usually a murder – the identity of the perpetrator unknown –
is solved by a detective through a logical assembling and interpretation of palpable
evidence, known as clues.”

            The first detective stories were written by Edgar Allan Poe, and Conan Doyle acknowledged their influence on his writing.  A good detective story generally follows six “unwritten rules.”  

First, the crime must be significant, worthy of the attention it receives.  Most stories involve murder, though Conan Doyle tied the majority of his crimes to greed and theft. 

Second, the detective must be in some way a memorable character.  He or she must be very intelligent, of course, unusually clever and observant, but also quirky, possessing perhaps some odd idiosyncrasies that distinguish him or her.  Kojak’s lollipop, Columbo’s crumpled raincoat, James Bond’s unruffled cool and high-tech gadgets, all of these things make the hero somehow distinct.  

Third, along with an exceptional detective, there must be an outstanding opponent, a criminal clever enough to be a match for the hero.  Solving the crime can’t be too easy. 

Fourth, because a large part of the attraction of a detective story is the opportunity for the reader to try to figure out the solution along with the detective, all suspects of the crime must be introduced early in the story, and

Fifth, all clues the detective discovers must be made available to the reader also. 

Finally, at the end of the story, the solution must seem obvious, logical, possible.  The crime must not have resulted from accident or supernatural intervention, and the detective must be able to explain all aspects of the case in a reasonable way.  A fine detective story should meet each one of these standards. 

Writing 2 Class Spring Syllabus 2015

Assign. Due
Writing Due
Grammar Due
Week 1 (1/15)
Introduction to Sherlock Holmes

Week 2 (1/22)
Holmes:  “A Scandal in Bohemia” & “The Red-Headed League”
Answer 4 Questions for “The Red-Headed League”
Mystery Story Pre-Write
Comma:  Sentences
Week 3 (1/29)
Holmes: “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” & “The Engineer’s Thumb”
Answer 4 questions for one of the two stories
Mystery Story Rough Draft
Comma:  Intro Elements
Week 4 (2/5)
Holmes:  “The Final Problem” & “The Adventure of the Empty House"
Holmes Final Exam

Comma:  Restrictive Clauses
Week 5 (2/12)
Pushkin (p. 162); Tolstoy (p. 169); Chekhov (p. 26)
2 Short Story Worksheets
Mystery Story Final Draft
Comma:  Appositives & Parenthetical phrases
Week 6 (2/19)
Dickens (p. 45); Wilde (p. 189); Kipling (p.101); Munro (p. 140)
2 Short Story Worksheets
Cause/Effect OR Problem/ Solution
Comma:  Series
Feb. 26 – No CHAT
Week 7 (3/5)
Hawthorne (p. 73); Bierce (p. 10); Poe (p. 156)
2 Short Story Worksheets
Cause/Effect OR Problem/ Solution
Rough Draft
Comma:  Interrupters
Week 8 (3/12)
Harte (p. 64); Twain (p. 175)
Jewett (p. 87); Crane (p. 34)
2 Short Story Worksheets

Comma: Dates & Addresses
Week 9 (3/19)
Chopin (p. 30); London (p. 122); Mansfield (p. 130); Gilman (p. 50)
2 Short Story Worksheets
Cause/Effect OR Problem/ Solution
Final Draft
End Marks & Abbreviations
Week 10 (3/26)
Pirandello (p. 149); de Maupassant (p. 134); Henry  (extra handout)
2 Short Story Worksheets
Evaluation Pre-Write
Colon & Semicolon
April 2 – No CHAT
Week 11 (4/9)
Larsen (p. 110); Anderson (p. 1); Hardy (p. 56)
2 Short Story Worksheets
 Evaluation Rough Draft
Italics & Quotations Marks
Week 12 (4/16)
Bradstreet (p. 1); Wheatley (p. 1); Holmes (p. 21); Emerson (p. 4, 5); Longfellow (p. 6 – 10); Whitman (p. 22 – 26); Dickinson (p. 29 – 32)
Poetry worksheet for 3 of the poems.

Hyphens, Parentheses & Dash
Week 13 (4/23)
Wilcox (p. 33); Thayer (p. 34); Dunbar (p. 41 – 43) Frost (p. 44 – 50); Sandburg (p.53 – 54); Williams (p. 60 – 61); Hughes  (p. 75 – 78)
Poetry worksheet for 3 of the poems/

Presentation of poetry recitations.
Evaluation Final Draft
Punctuation Review
Week 14 (4/30)
Poetry Presentation
Poetry worksheet for 3 of the poems.
Presentation of poetry recitations.
Grammar Test
Week 15 (5/7)
Poetry Presentation, Final Exam