Thursday, March 26, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 10 (March 26)


We had a good class today.  Sometimes we have a lot of discussion, and other times the format is more instructional.  Today we had a good mix.

Our Quick Write for the day initially stumped the students.  First, I gave the birth date of March 26, 2228.  I added the clue that the place in which this person will be born is a small town in Iowa.  Then, I wrote Gene Roddenberry on the board.  Older persons will by now know that I'm referring to Star Trek's Captain James T. Kirk.  Today, supposedly, is his birthday.  I asked the students to write a science fiction-related Quick Write.

Our Latin Roots for the Day:
junct -- L. to join; together -- English derivatives:  conjunction, junction, join, joint, conjoined, conjugation
-ject -- L. to throw (from jacere) -- English derivatives:  inject, interject, subject, object, reject, project, dejected, adjective; also jet and javelin have the same roots.

Our next writing assignment is am Evaluation Essay.  This is the last "from scratch" paper that they will write this year since the final assignment is an essay re-write.  We began discussing the importance of establishing criteria for the topic of our essays.  Using the example of straw bale gardening, we brainstormed what would make good criteria for an essay.  We also discussed the criteria for a good introduction and a good conclusion.  An essay can fall or rise on the strength of the introduction and conclusion.

Students were assigned two short stories by European writers, which we briefly discussed.  Luigi Pirandello write "With Other Eyes," a story of a young woman, married to an older man, who realizes that her love is not really returned.  The second story, "A Piece of String," by Guy de Maupassant deals with themes of reputation and shame.  Both of these stories are set in the distant European past when cultural norms and expectations vary greatly from our 21st century lives.

We finished the class with a Grammar worksheet.  We've finished with commas and are working with other bits of punctuation.  Today's worksheets dealt with italics and punctuating direct quotes.  I gave the students 2 worksheets, which we started in class.  

Assignments for April 9
-- Write the Rough Draft of the Evaluation Essay
-- Read the following short stories:
     Sherwood Anderson's "The Egg" (p.1)
     Nella Larsen's "The Sanctuary" (p.110)
     Thomas Hardy's "Squire Petrick's Lady" (p.56) 
-- Finish The Grammar Worksheets

This Week's Links:
Class Notes

See you all in two weeks!
Have a blessed Easter!
Mrs. Prichard

Friday, March 20, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 9 (March 19)


We had a great class this week.  We began with our Quick Write, which noted the birthday this month of Johann Sebastian Bach.  I asked the students to write about the importance of music in their lives.  We came up with a number of words to describe the value of music for us:  meaningful, emotional, educational, inspirational, energizing, etc.

Our Latin Roots of the Day were:
ign -- L. fire, to burn -- English derivatives:  ignite, ignition, igneous, ignitable
inter -- L. between -- English derivatives:  interstate, interstellar, intergalactic, interrupt

The students were to bring their Letters to World Leaders to class this week, along with mailing addresses.  I supplied the envelopes and will mail them this next week.  I'm really curious and excited to see what kind of responses they get.  For those who didn't have their letters ready this week, they can bring them the next.

The Final Drafts of the Cause/Effect or Problem/Solution Essays were due this week.  I had given them rubrics that I will use to evaluate the essays, but didn't make it clear that they were to do a self-evaluation.  We took some time for them to do this before handing them in.  I clarified with them that  they aren't grading themselves, but reflecting on the work they did.  I will correct them, as usual, and will use this rubric to evaluate the papers.  I find that I'm often a harder grader when I use the rubrics because of the clear guidelines and definitions for each category.

As soon as one essay is finished, we progress to the next, which is an Evaluation Essay.  For this essay, students are to assess the value of a product, organization, trend, store, etc.  In order to evaluate, they must also determine the criteria by which to judge their topic.  The Pre-Write should be done next week, and the Rough Draft is due the week after our Easter Break.

The focus for our Grammar study this week was use of the semicolon and the colon.  Many students mistakenly use one with the other was required.  Below are some links to videos the further explain correct usage of these punctuation marks.  We finished our worksheet in class, so no Grammar homework this week.

Finally, we talked about one of my all-time favorite short stories:  "A Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin.  Every year when we read this story, I find that most of the students respond similarly to the young mother who comes unexpectedly into some money and spends in a certain way.  Typically, they read it as teenagers, not as mothers.  If you're interested, I have a copy of the text of the story on my blog.  I'd be interested in how others might interpret this story.  I also have a link to a slide presentation that explains the context of the story.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Evaluation Essay Pre-Write
-- If not finished, Letter to World Leader
-- NO Grammar Worksheets
-- Read Pirandello (p. 149) and de Maupassant (p. 134)

Links for this Week:
Class Notes

Have a marvelous weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Evaluation Essay

            In an essay of evaluation, a writer acts like a roving critic, exploring the significance of your topic.  The purpose of an evaluation essay is to demonstrate the overall quality (or lack thereof) of a particular product, business, place, service, or program.  To develop an essay of this type, think in terms of a subject’s value, impact, and significance; its strengths and weaknesses; its place in the scheme of things.

Choosing a Subject
            An Evaluation Essay explores a particular event, a current trend, an extended project, a recent decision, a new product, and so on.  Consider recent experiences, conversations, and headlines for possible ideas.  It can focus on current events, political or social events, or developments in medicine or technology.

Thesis Development
While any evaluation involves injecting some form of opinion, if an evaluation is done properly, it should not come across as opinionated.  Instead, the evaluation should seem reasoned and unbiased. 

In order to give a clear representation and reasonable, unbiased discussion of your topic keep the following elements in mind:
  • Critera – This refers to the elements or qualities that demonstrate an ideal for any similar situation.  Having clear criteria establishes your paper with facts and details so that it does not appear to be only an opinion.  For example, if evaluating a restaurant, you would choose the common characteristics of menu items, cleanliness, staff, prices, etc. 
  • Judgment – This establishes whether or not your topic meets the appropriate criteria that you’ve chosen to consider in your evaluation.  Using the example of a restaurant, if you’ve chosen as criteria the quality of food, the judgment states whether or not the particular restaurant offers food that meets or exceeds this stated quality.
  • Evidence – These are the details that support your judgment of the criteria.  Again, in the restaurant example, if you have determined that the quality does not meet a certain standard, give an explanation that serves as evidence.

Generally, each body paragraph of an evaluation essay is going to focus on one specific criterion, which should be fully explained, followed by the judgment and a variety of evidence offered as support.  Because of this, it is important that any evaluation contains several different criteria, judgments, and evidence.

Essay Guidelines
Due dates:  Pre-Write due March 26; Rough Draft due April 9;  Final Draft due April 23
Essay length:  800 – 1000 words (between 3 and 6 pages)
Rough drafts can be typed or hand-written, but must be double-spaced.
Final draft format:
Typed (if this is not possible, please let me know)
1 inch margins
Name and date on the upper right hand corner
Number the pages on the lower right hand corner

Title centered above the text of the essay

A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin

 Below is a blog post that posted after discussing this with last year's class:

My Writing 2 classes have read this story for the past three years.  And every year, I have been solitary in my personal  interpretation of the story.  My students have always seemed  to read it from a different perspective.  The primary question seems to center on whether or not Mrs. Sommers deserved her little splurging or was overly careless.  Read it for yourselves, and let me know what you think.  (taken from the Electronic Text Library, University of Virginia.)

"A Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin
Little Mrs Sommers one day found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars.  It seemed to her a very large amount of money, and the way in which it stuffed and bulged her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a feeling of importance such as she had not enjoyed for years.

The question of investment was one that occupied her greatly.  For a day or two she walked about apparently in a dreamy state, but really absorbed in speculation and calculation.  She did not wish to act hastily, to do anything she might afterward regret.  But it was during the still hours of the night when she lay awake revolving plans in her mind that she seemed to see her way clearly toward a proper and judicious use of the money.

A dollar or two should be added to the price usually paid for Janie's shoes, which would insure their lasting an appreciable time longer than they usually did.  She would buy so and so many yards of percale for new shirt waists for the boys and Janie and Mag.  She had intended to make the old ones do by skilful patching.  Mag should have another gown.  She had seen some beautiful patterns, veritable bargains in the shop windows.  And still there would be left enough for new stockings – two pairs apiece – and what darning that would save for a while!  She would get caps for the boys and sailor-hats for the girls.  The vision of her little brood looking fresh and dainty and new for once in their lives excited her and made her restless and wakeful with anticipation.

The neighbors sometimes talked of certain ‘better days’ that little Mrs Sommers had known before she had ever thought of being Mrs Sommers.  She herself indulged in no such morbid retrospection.  She had no time – no second of time to devote to the past.  The needs of the present absorbed her every faculty.  A vision of the future like some dim, gaunt monster sometimes appalled her, but luckily to-morrow never comes.

Mrs Sommers was one who knew the value of bargains; who could stand for hours making her way inch by inch toward the desired object that was selling below cost.  She could elbow her way if need be; she had learned to clutch a piece of goods and hold it and stick to it with persistence and determination till her turn came to be served, no matter when it came.

But that day she was a little faint and tired.  She had swallowed a light luncheon – no! when she came to think of it, between getting the children fed and the place righted, and preparing herself for the shopping bout, she had actually forgotten to eat any luncheon at all!

She sat herself upon a revolving stool before a counter that was comparatively deserted, trying to gather strength and courage to charge through an eager multitude that was besieging breastworks of shirting and figured lawn.  An all-gone limp feeling had come over her and she rested her hand aimlessly upon the counter.  She wore no gloves.  By degrees she grew aware that her hand had encountered something very soothing, very pleasant to touch.  She looked down to see that her hand lay upon a pile of silk stockings.  A placard near by announced that they had been reduced in price from two dollars and fifty cents to one dollar and ninety-eight cents; and a young girl who stood behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine their line of silk hosiery.  She smiled, just as if she had been asked to inspect a tiara of diamonds with the ultimate view of purchasing it.  But she went on feeling the soft, sheeny luxurious things – with both hands now, holding them up to see them glisten, and to feel them glide serpent-like through her fingers.

Two hectic blotches came suddenly into her pale cheeks.  She looked up at the girl.

“Do you think there are any eights-and-a-half among these?”

There were any number of eights-and-a-half.  In fact, there were more of that size than any other.  Here was a light-blue pair; there were some lavender, some all black and various shades of tan and gray.  Mrs Sommers selected a black pair and looked at them very long and closely.  She pretended to be examining their texture, which the clerk assured her was excellent.

“A dollar and ninety-eight cents,” she mused aloud.  “Well, I'll take this pair.”  She handed the girl a five-dollar bill and waited for her change and for her parcel.  What a very small parcel it was!  It seemed lost in the depths of her shabby old shopping-bag.

Mrs Sommers after that did not move in the direction of the bargain counter.  She took the elevator, which carried her to an upper floor into the region of the ladies' waiting-rooms.  Here, in a retired corner, she exchanged her cotton stockings for the new silk ones which she had just bought.  She was not going through any acute mental process or reasoning with herself, nor was she striving to explain to her satisfaction the motive of her action.  She was not thinking at all.  She seemed for the time to be taking a rest from that laborious and fatiguing function and to have abandoned herself to some mechanical impulse that directed her actions and freed her of responsibility.

How good was the touch of the raw silk to her flesh!  She felt like lying back in the cushioned chair and reveling for a while in the luxury of it.  She did for a little while.  Then she replaced her shoes, rolled the cotton stockings together and thrust them into her bag.  After doing this she crossed straight over to the shoe department and took her seat to be fitted.

She was fastidious.  The clerk could not make her out; he could not reconcile her shoes with her stockings, and she was not too easily pleased.  She held back her skirts and turned her feet one way and her head another way as she glanced down at the polished, pointed-tipped boots.  Her foot and ankle looked very pretty.  She could not realize that they belonged to her and were a part of herself.  She wanted an excellent and stylish fit, she told the young fellow who served her, and she did not mind the difference of a dollar or two more in the price so long as she got what she desired.

It was a long time since Mrs Sommers had been fitted with gloves.  On rare occasions when she had bought a pair they were always ‘bargains’, so cheap that it would have been preposterous and unreasonable to have expected them to be fitted to the hand.

Now she rested her elbow on the cushion of the glove counter, and a pretty, pleasant young creature, delicate and deft of touch, drew a long-wristed ‘kid’ over Mrs Sommers's hand.  She smoothed it down over the wrist and buttoned it neatly, and both lost themselves for a second or two in admiring contemplation of the little symmetrical gloved hand.  But there were other places where money might be spent.

There were books and magazines piled up in the window of a stall a few paces down the street.  Mrs Sommers bought two high-priced magazines such as she had been accustomed to read in the days when she had been accustomed to other pleasant things.  She carried them without wrapping.  As well as she could she lifted her skirts at the crossings.  Her stockings and boots and well fitting gloves had worked marvels in her bearing – had given her a feeling of assurance, a sense of belonging to the well-dressed multitude.
She was very hungry.  Another time she would have stilled the cravings for food until reaching her own home, where she would have brewed herself a cup of tea and taken a snack of anything that was available.  But the impulse that was guiding her would not suffer her to entertain any such thought.

There was a restaurant at the corner.  She had never entered its doors; from the outside she had sometimes caught glimpses of spotless damask and shining crystal, and soft-stepping waiters serving people of fashion.
When she entered her appearance created no surprise, no consternation, as she had half feared it might.  She seated herself at a small table alone, and an attentive waiter at once approached to take her order.  She did not want a profusion; she craved a nice and tasty bite – a half dozen blue-points, a plump chop with cress, a something sweet – a crème-frappée, for instance; a glass of Rhine wine, and after all a small cup of black coffee.

While waiting to be served she removed her gloves very leisurely and laid them beside her.  Then she picked up a magazine and glanced through it, cutting the pages with a blunt edge of her knife.  It was all very agreeable.  The damask was even more spotless than it had seemed through the window, and the crystal more sparkling.  There were quiet ladies and gentlemen, who did not notice her, lunching at the small tables like her own.  A soft, pleasing strain of music could be heard, and a gentle breeze, was blowing through the window.  She tasted a bite, and she read a word or two, and she sipped the amber wine and wiggled her toes in the silk stockings.  The price of it made no difference.  She counted the money out to the waiter and left an extra coin on his tray, whereupon he bowed before her as before a princess of royal blood.

There was still money in her purse, and her next temptation presented itself in the shape of a matinée poster.
It was a little later when she entered the theatre, the play had begun and the house seemed to her to be packed.  But there were vacant seats here and there, and into one of them she was ushered, between brilliantly dressed women who had gone there to kill time and eat candy and display their gaudy attire.  There were many others who were there solely for the play and acting.  It is safe to say there was no one present who bore quite the attitude which Mrs Sommers did to her surroundings.  She gathered in the whole – stage and players and people in one wide impression, and absorbed it and enjoyed it.  She laughed at the comedy and wept – she and the gaudy woman next to her wept over the tragedy.  And they talked a little together over it.  And the gaudy woman wiped her eyes and sniffled on a tiny square of filmy, perfumed lace and passed little Mrs Sommers her box of candy.

The play was over, the music ceased, the crowd filed out.  It was like a dream ended.  People scattered in all directions.  Mrs Sommers went to the corner and waited for the cable car.

A man with keen eyes, who sat opposite to her, seemed to like the study of her small, pale face.  It puzzled him to decipher what he saw there.  In truth, he saw nothing – unless he were wizard enough to detect a poignant wish, a powerful longing that the cable car would never stop anywhere, but go on and on with her forever.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 8 (March 12)


We had a good class today  We had some good discussions and I feel that they did some good thinking about writing, grammar and literature.

Our Quick Write was a recognition that this Saturday is Pi Day.  In fact, this Pi Day has been called "epic" or "ultimate" because at 9:26.53, the date and time will represent the first 10 digits of pi:  3.141592653.  The students could choose to write either a math-related or pie-related Quick Write.

Our Latin Roots for the Day were:
grad, gred, gress -- L. step, walk, move forward -- English derivatives:  graduate, grade, gradual, ingredient, progress, aggressive, digress
gravi -- L. heavy, weight -- English derivatives:  gravity, gravitate, engrave, grave, aggravate

Following our beginning of class activities, we discussed the homework that I had handed back, beginning with the Letters to World Leaders that the students had written.  I spoke to them about some content issues.  It's important that they give a good introduction and conclusion.  Additionally, I gave them a handout illustrating the correct way to format a formal/business letter.  The sample shows block paragraphs, but they can do indented paragraphs if they'd like.  A clean-looking letter is one way that we can show respect and honor to the recipients of our well-written missives.  Next week, we will address the letters and I will mail them.

As is my custom, when I hand back the corrected Rough Drafts, I take time to go over common errors.  This is one of the best ways to learn grammar is by using it, which is what the students are doing when they write their essays.  We went over, at length, parallel construction.  I have a couple of links at the bottom with more information about this bit of grammar.  The Final Drafts of the Cause/Effect or Problem/Solution Essays.
We did not have a lot of time for discussing the Short Stories.  For their assignment for this week, I had asked them to write discussion questions for each of the short stories.  They came up with some that were thoughtful and insightful. 

At the end of the class we worked together on a Grammar worksheet focused on end punctuation and periods used in abbreviations.  The students had time to finish them before the leaving for the week.

Note:  Some students handed in their rough drafts of their papers or letters either in class or via e-mail last week.  I will have those corrected and returned over the weekend.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Finish Final Drafts of Cause/Effect or Problem/Solution Essays
-- Finish the Letter to a World Leader
-- Find and bring to class the address for the letter.
-- Read Kate Chopin "A Pair of Silk Stockings" (p. 30), Jack London "To Build a Fire" (p. 122), Katherine Mansfield "Germans at Meat"  (p. 130), Charlotte Perkins Gilman "The Yellow Wallpaper (p. 50)

Links this Week:
Class Notes

It's amazing outside!  Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Friday, March 6, 2015

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 7 (March 5)


The weather people say that Thursday was, most likely, our last really cold day. It's March and we're half way through the second semester at CHAT -- it could be that Spring is really on its way!

Our Quick Write this week celebrated two events:  March 4 was National Grammar Day and March 5 was the day the Hula Hoop was invented.  Students could write about either topic or about a favorite toy from their childhoods.

Our Latin Roots of the Day were:
finis -- L. end -- English derivatives:  finish, finite, final, finality, infinitive, infinity,  infinite, define, definition
fort -- L. strong -- English derivatives:  fort, fortress, fortitude, fortify, force
fug/fugi -- L. to flee, flight -- English derivatives:  fugitive, refuge, refugee

We had a lot of homework to hand in this week:  Quick Writes, Comma worksheet, rough draft, pre-write, letters to world leaders, and short story worksheets.  We shared in class about our letters to world leaders and each student shared about the person to whom his/her letter had been written.  A few students forgot this part of the homework, but they can hand them in next week.  The letters they handed in are the rough drafts.  I'll go over them to check for mechanics and possible content suggestions.  I'll hand them back next week and the following week I will bring envelopes for them to address.

We discussed our short stories for this week:  Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidigger's Experiment," Bierce's "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge," and Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado."  The class seemed pretty evenly divided about which stories they preferred.  We agreed that good short stories must have good characters, an engaging plot, and efficient descriptions.  I also took a quick survey of their opinions of the various short story homework assignments.  In previous years, I've found that doing the same kind of exercises for the short stories gets a bit boring for the students.  For this week, they are to come up with 2 discussion questions for each story.  A good discussion question needs more than a "yes" or "no" answer.  They are "how?" and "why? types of questions.

The Rough Drafts of the Cause/Effect or Problem/Solution essays were handed in this week.  Once a good topic was chosen, these essays were not too hard to write.  I will have the corrected ones ready for them next week.

Our final activity of the day was another comma-related grammar worksheet.  This week we looked at commas used in dates and addresses. We did most of the worksheet as a group, and they finished it before leaving class.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read the following stories:  Harte (p. 64); Twain (p. 175); Jewett (p. 87); Crane (p. 34)
-- For each story, write 2 discussion questions
-- No grammar worksheets  (worksheet attached if you were absent)
-- No essay assignments

Links for this week:
Class Notes

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Prichard