The Burgundy Dress

Patrick Jane rolls up to the crime scene in his classic blue Citroen DS Pallas. He looked perfect as always with his classic suit with vest and hair that looked amazing without even trying. “Why are we here?” Rigsby asked. “This is an open and shut death by natural causes.”

“The woman, Ana Delton, has a big shot father so we had to come down no matter what,” Teresa Lisbon answered. Jane walked into the house walking right by the protesting county police. He started by walking around the women's room and bathroom where she was found, studying everything, then he walked around the body in a circle, studying every small detail. After that he bent down to sniff the body and used his pen to push her hair away so he could see the beautiful burgundy dress she was wearing. Now that CBI had arrived, they could take away the body, so the coroner started to take the body away, but Jane protested by yelling, “Lisbon, this isn’t a death by natural causes.” Lisbon ran in to see what Jane was talking about. “Smell her,” Jane said to Lisbon. Lisbon bent down and smelled the woman like Jane said to.

“What, all I smell is a flower perfume,” Lisbon answered. 

“Look at her dresser and bathroom. The only flower perfume she has is lavender and whatever she smells like it is most definitely not lavender.”

“So, she borrowed someone else's perfume. What does that have to do with her death? Lisbons said, exasperated.

“Think about it, Lisbon, clearly this woman hasn’t put any perfume on herself yet she hasn’t even finished applying her makeup. A woman of her narcissistic qualities would know that you put on perfume after your makeup is all done,” Jane explained. 

“I want a full crime report, this is a homicide, and find me what kind of poison killed this woman.” Lisbon yelled to all the crime techs. 

“I need to talk to her husband,” Jane said. As Jane walked over to the obviously grieving husband he asked him, “Did you kill your wife?”

“Of course not, I loved my wife more than anyone in the world,” the husband answered. Jane had been holding his wrist, feeling the man's pulse the entire time he answered. 

“Ok, you're free to go,” Jane told the man.

“No you're not, just wait here for the other detectives please,” Lisbon tells the man. She went to tell Jane off, but Jane was already in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. While Jane was waiting for his tea to steep, he looked down at the little girl hiding under the table. 

“Do you want a PB&J?” Jane asked the little girl. She only responded with a nod of her head. Jane set down the little girl's sandwich and sat next to it. She slowly came out from under the table to eat her sandwich. “Do you know how your mommy makes all her money? Jane asked the little girl. The little girl ran over to a necklace on the counter and brought it back to Jane. The necklace said Jamberry on it, which was some kind of direct sales company Jane guessed, but it was not really a guess if it was Jane. 

Jane and Lisbon headed to Patricia’s house, one of the employees of Jamberry. When they got there, they saw at least ten women all who work for Jamberry. Jane walked in and said “I know one of you killed Ana, I know you did it because she not only talked down to you and acted like she was better than you, but you are also in love with her husband,” When Jane said this he watched the reactions of every single person in the room. He settled on one woman and walked over to her and grabbed her hands and said, “It was you. You killed Ana and your going to lead me to the murder weapon.” He grabbed her hands and walked in circles until he started going upstairs then into the kitchen then into a spare bedroom, then out to the cars. He walked not into her car but out to another woman's car and reached under the car and grabbed a bottle with a liquid that smells exactly like the burgundy dress. “Lisbon arrest her,” Jane said but he didn’t point at the woman who was leading him to the murder weapon instead he pointed at Patricia. Lisbon walked over to Patricia with her handcuffs in her hands, but she started to run. As Lisbon tackled her Jane yelled “I'll be in the car.”

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