As always, we had a good class today. This is a lively class (who sometimes need reigning in
), but they are always ready to learn.

For our Quick Write this week, they had 4 options:
On April 6, 1917, the United States officially entered World War 1. What do you know about either of the World Wars? What are your thoughts about the US’s involvement in conflicts in other parts of the world?
On April 6, 1896, the first modern Olympic games were held. Do you have a favorite Olympic sport? What are your thoughts about the Olympics? About amateur and professional sports?
On April 9, 1959, NASA introduced the first astronauts. What do you think about America’s space program? Do you keep up with current developments? Do you think we should continue to explore space?
Our Words of the Day came from Grace, Ike, and Megan:
autodidact-- fr. Greek autos, "self," didaktos, "taught" -- a person who is self taught
enervate-- fr. Latin enervare, "to weaken" -- to weaken or impair
cerebration-- fr. Latin cerebrum, "brain" -- the working of the brain; thinking
After our beginning of class activities, we talked through common errors found in the rough drafts of their Evaluation Essays. Students put on the white board the issues that I marked on their papers. These ranged from using capital letters and italics to comma splice sentences to parallel structure. Their Final Drafts of the Evaluation Essays is due April 21. For those who got their rough drafts in late, I will go over them by this weekend and will let students know when they are ready to revise.
I introduced our Poetry Jam, a poetry recitation & competition that will be held the last 2 weeks of the semester (Weeks 14 & 15). In order to get ready for that, we watched 3 poetry presentations; two were from Harry Baker, a national and world slam poetry champion and Bella Callery, a 2019 national champion for Poetry Out Loud (who happens to be a graduate from the charter school in Northfield where I teach) These and some others are posted on Google Classroom, link below.
Our Grammar assignment for this week will have students using italics and quotation marks. NOTE: I will correct the Grammar assignments, so no KEYs were given.
Be blessed this weekend! Happy Easter!
Mrs. Prichard
Assignments for Next Week:
Poetry: Whitman (p. 25), Dickenson (p. 27), Burgess (p. 39), Frost (p. 44), Sandburg (p. 46), Williams (p. 48), Hughes (p. 53)
Note: All of the poems are in the book and can also be found on this Google Classroom post: Week 13 Poetry
Links for This Week
Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 12 (April 7)
Week 13 Poetry (pdfs)
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