Thursday, November 19, 2020

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 12 (November 19)


We had a great class today.  Students have worked hard this semester, and it shows in their attitudes and the quality of their work!

For our Quick Write today, I had students come up with some ideas for our weekly Quick Writes.  By now, they have an idea of what works for a good Quick Write, so it will be good to have ideas from them.  Usually, I type up a numbered list and students choose random numbers every week.

We covered 3 Latin roots in our Words of the Day. As I explained to the students, having some background knowledge about Latin roots will help them decode unfamiliar words that they might encounter in their academic careers.
ambi - Latin, ambiguu, having double meaning or both -- derivatives:  ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambidexterity
aud - Latin, audire, to hear -- derivatives:  auditory, audio, audience, auditorium.  (by the way, audacious comes from audacia, boldness)
aqua -- Latin, aqua, water --  derivatives:  aquatic, aquarium. aqueduct, aquifer

While the students are busily writing their Quick Writes, I hand back their homework.  Following our beginning of class activities, we discuss the homework.  This week I handed back their final drafts of the Biography Essays.  They've done a wonderful job writing!  I'm waiting for a few students to give me their rough drafts with my corrections before correcting their final drafts.  I've asked students to hand in their rough drafts when they hand in their final drafts.  I like to compare their drafts so that I can see what improvements they've made.  

Students should be working on the Pre-Writes and Rough Drafts of their Comparison/Contrast Essays, which are due the week after Thanksgiving Break (on 12/3)

For the Literature portion of the class, we talked about our presentation for our book projects for My Antonia.  We watched 2 videos that the students from previous years had done for their book projects.

Finally, in the Grammar portion of the class, we did a review of the phrases that we had previously worked on, including prepositional phrases, participle phrases, and gerund phrases.  During our next class we will go over infinitives.  Verbal phrases can be really confusing.  For example, when we looked at gerund phrases (verbals that serve as nouns) we had a sentence that had a verbal phrase that was an object of a preposition, and they gerund had its own direct object.  So it was a direct object of a verbal as the object of a prepositional phrase.   Confused??  Most of the students had glazed eyes and spinning heads by the end of class!

Finally, I encouraged the students to check their GradeSheets to make sure that what I have recorded is accurate and to see if they are missing any homework.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!  Be blessed!!
Mrs. Prichard

Assignments for Week 13 (12/3)

Links for This Week
Class Notes

Here's the presentation schedule:
December 3
Michael M

December 10
Jesse T
Jessie M
Michael S

December 17

Tamera M. Prichard
Writing Instructor at CHAT

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