Thursday, March 26, 2020

National Let's Laugh Day

One time my sixteen-year-old cousin on my mom's side got very confused about our family trees. Steven, my cousin, saw that I had been hanging out with my cousin, Matthew, on my dad's side. Steven texted me and asked who Matthew is. I told him he's my cousin. Steven proceeded to ask how he and Matthew were related. I spent twenty minutes trying to explain to him why he was my cousin and not his. He finally says, "Omg, it all makes sense now...He's my second cousin!" I practically died of laughter! I ended up drawing a chart of our families, trying to explain again. He said he understood, but to this day, I am unsure he does! 

What does a nosey pepper do?
It gets jalapeno business.

One of my favorite jokes goes like this. One day a man walked into a bar. He sat down next to a man. The man turned to him and told him that his drink was magical. Then he jumped out a window, flew around the building three times and returned to his seat. Seeing this the original man asked the bartender for the drink, drank it, then jumped out the window and fell four stories to his death. The bartender turning to the other man said, “Superman you are a real jerk when you are drunk.”

One more of my favorite jokes is. One time there were two muffins in an oven. One muffin turned to the other and said, “it is hot in here.” the other muffin said, “AHHHHHH A TALKING MUFFIN!”

Why was nine afraid of seven?  Because seven eight nine.  

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