Thursday, April 19, 2018

Writing 2 Class Notes -- Week 12 (April 19)


Who thought we would have a blizzard in April?  The weather man says we should have bona fide spring weather this weekend.

We began the day with the Weekly Announcement from the CHAT directors.  They've felt that as the student body has grown, it was important to share updates, etc. with the students via notes to be read before the classes.  I understand that the notes are also sent to parents.  The notes today covered the new tardy policy and policies about being outside when the weather finally gets nice) and dress code.  The students should hear these announcements at the beginning of each class on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  

Note:  It was mentioned in class that sometimes it's hard to finish their lunches from the cafe.  I mentioned that this is a problem that they will have to solve because they need to be in class on time.  This might mean that they bring a sack lunch on Thursdays.

I offered 2 prompts for our Quick Write.  Firstly, today is the anniversary of the first battle of the Revolutionary War, the battle of Lexington and Concord, which was known for its "shot heard round the world."  For this prompt, students could write about what makes the United States special and unique. The second prompt was inspired by Barbara Bush who died on Tuesday, April 17.  I asked the students to write about a special older "grandma" type of woman in their lives.  I heard good thoughts from the students about each prompt.

Our Words of the Day:
chagrin -- French, chagrin, "rough skin" -- the feeling of distress from being humiliated or embarrassed
chamois -- French, the chamois antelope -- a pliable leather-like cloth

Following our beginning of class activities, we discussed the Rough Drafts of the Evaluation Essay.  The class did a great job on these.  Students help develop the list of topics for us to discuss.  I asked them to look over their essays and find something from the corrections and my notes in the margins.  From the list that the students wrote, we discussed common errors found in the essays.  For next week, the Final Drafts are due. 

For our Poetry discussion, I divided the class into small groups and selected four of the poems for them to discuss as a group.  In their groups, they were to identify the story of/behind the poem, the message/meaning of the poem, and the mood of the poem.  I heard thoughtful and lively discussions.  

Assignments for Next Week
-- Finish the Final Draft of the Evaluation Essay
-- Fill out the rubric as a self-evaluation for the final draft
-- Read poems by the following authors:  Wilcox (p. 33), Thayer (p. 34),  Dunbar (p. 41 - 43), Frost (p. 44 - 50), Sandburg (p. 53 - 54), Williams (p. 60 - 61), Hughes (p. 75 - 78)
-- Fill out the Poetry Worksheet for one of the poems
-- No grammar

Links for this Week
Class Notes

Have a great weekend.  the weather should be pretty nice!  
Mrs. Prichard

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