Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sentence Structures

    A simple sentence contains one subject and one predicate. It expresses one main idea. Parts of the sentence, however, may be compound.

            The line is busy now.

A compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences that express related ideas. These sentences are connected by a semicolon or by a comma and a coordinating conjunction. A semicolon that connects two simple sentences may be followed by a conjunctive adverb.

            The line is busy now, but I will try again later.

A complex sentence contains one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. The subordinate clauses may be used as adverbs, adjectives, or nouns. A complex sentence expresses one main idea and one or more dependent ideas.

            Although the line is busy now, I will try again later.

    A compound-complex sentence contains two main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. The subordinate clauses may be adverb, adjective, or noun clauses. A compound-complex sentence expresses two main ideas, as well as one dependent idea.

            The line is busy, but I will try again when I finish this.

A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. It may help you to think of a compound-complex sentence as a compound sentence plus a subordinate clause. Actually, the compound-complex sentences join two sentences, at least one of which has a subordinate clause. The main clauses are joined by either a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon.

Main Clause                           Subordinate Clause                           Main Clause
Gina Knew                              that she would have to wait,                but she didn’t mind

Main Clause                           Subordinate Clause                           Main Clause
Carl was surprised                   when he was chosen;                          he had never expected to win

Basic Sentence Patterns for Simple sentences:

A Compound Sentence can combine any of the basic sentence patterns listed above.


Exercise #1
Write a sentences for the following patterns:

1.       N-V, (fanboys) N-V-DO

2.      N-LV-Adj, (fanboys) N-LV-Adj

3.       N-V (sub conj) N-V

4.       (Subord conj), N-V-DO
Exercise #2
Identifying the Kinds of Sentences. For each sentence, underline the subject once and the verb twice; circle and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.  Write S (Simple), Com (Compound), Cx (Complex) or C-C to show what kind of sentence it is.

1.      These jogging shoes are canvas and suede. __________
2.      You can fix the bell, or I can call the electrician. __________
3.      We picked the apples ourselves and baked a pie. __________
4.      The reporter asked if she could arrange an interview. __________
5.      People spend one third of their lives asleep. __________
6.      Before lunch, we will pick fresh vegetables from the garden.  __________
7.      The mysterious burglary has finally been solved, and justice will now be served. __________
8.      Because the union met with its members, they accepted the contract.  __________
9.      The rescue worker explained what the situation was.  __________
10.  As she presented the awards, the principal congratulated us.  __________
11.  My cat sleeps on the sofa if the sun is shining.  __________
12.  Even though the car is low on gas, and my bike tire is flat, I can still get to my meeting.  ______
13.  You will get ahead if you say the right things.  __________
14.  The boss called everyone into his office, but two people couldn’t make it.  __________
Exercise #3
Analyzing Compound-Complex Sentences.  Underline each main clause once and each subordinate clause twice.  Circle the subordinating conjunctions.

1.      Pam knew where the park was, and she gave us directions.
2.      After our team won, we decided to celebrate, so we led a parade through town.
3.      When the committee met, witnesses testified about poor living conditions, and experts suggested improvements.
4.      Sharon has been studying piano since she was six years old, and she enjoys it.
5.      Greg said that we should start without him, but we waited anyway.
6.      The bookstore ordered the items that Tim requested, and he is waiting for them.
7.      The sale items were so popular that they were gone in an hour, and the manager agreed                       to order more.
8.      Scientists have identified the agents that cause the disease, but they haven’t found a                           cure for it.
9.      The actor was nervous before he auditioned; he felt that he did well, though.
10.  Since the rain stopped, the game can be resumed; our team is ahead.

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