Sunday, February 14, 2016

Literary Love Letter, 2016

Each year, either just before Valentine's Day or right after, I assign the students to write a "Literary Love Letter" as their Quick Write.  Below are this year's contributions.

A love letter to periods:
Oh Period,
How small and insignificant you are. How steadfast and strong, separating long and boring sentences like a bar.  With the other punctuation you stand, without praise, without song.  Among the others, you are most vital.

Words!  I love that you can express with them!

To a Quick Write
How I love your personality
Everything has a problem
Rambunctious at times
Melodramatic in nature
Incredibly worried about homework
Owl exams far in advance
Nothing compares to you
Emeralds remind me of you.

To My Dearest Adjective,
I must write to you to tell you how incredible you are.  Your talent at spicing up sentences and brimming life to them is something unparalleled.  Your broad range of ability is nothing short of amazement.  You truly are the best part of speech.

Dear Miss Elizabeth Bennett,
I am very very ill.  I have not been able to leave my bed since you left from your visit to Pemberly.  I feel like a child deprived of candy.  Like the moon without stars to shine with.  The sun has ceased to shine.  The grass has turned a dismal brown.  The flowers have died.  Oh, how I long to see you so that my life will have the light of the sun.  So that the flowers grow and the grass turns green.  The moon will have the stars to shine with the earth will have the warmth of the sun.  My wells have gone dry since you left.  Return to me so I may have water again. The crops have failed since you left.  Return so I have may have food.  I have declared my love for you.
Mr. Darcy

Dear Words,
What can I say -- you make me feel happy, joyful, excited.  But you also make me feel angry, hurt, and down.  You make me confused and disgusted.  Out of all these things, you make me feel loved.  Opening up a new book full of you makes me happy -- you create and express new stories in so many different ways.  You make me feel anxious and make me hold my breath.  You leave me second guessing.  There are no words to describe you, the way you make me so excited and hung up on a certain book.

Dear Words,
You make papers and letters love  You make love letters.  Words can be fancy and extravagant or the can be simple.  They can be loud or quiet.  I love you, Words.  You make words full of joy and love most of the time.
A Grateful Student

Dear Spellcheck,
You complete all my unfinished words.  You help me even when I didn't know I needed help.  Sometimes you spell my last name wrong, but it's OK.  I love you despite your flaws with names.  You are the reason I get through writing papers.  I couldn't do it without you!

Dear Mrs. Prichard,
You are the best teacher CHAT has seen.  You make every class extraordinary to its fullest potential.  Thank you for being an amazing writing teacher.
Happy Valentine's Day,
Your favorite student

To Words,
If it weren't for words, we wouldn't know how to express ourselves.  We couldn't share our thoughts or feelings with one another.  In fact, I think it would show the true colors of someone because you would have to learn who they truly are by their actions, not their words.
~ Your Student

To the Pen or Pencil,
You're such a blessing to all.  Without you two, we wouldn't be able to express our thoughts.  We would hardly have creativity, but you brought that to us.  I love you, guys, and hope you will continue to bring us joy as we write and become more creative.
~ Your Student

Dear Titles of Papers,
Thank you for giving me an idea of what I'm about to read.  Without you, I would know whether I was reading about chickens or nuclear waste.
Thank you,
Your Student

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