Thursday, December 17, 2015

Word of the Day -- Final Test

A.      Match the words from the Words of the Day list with its synonyms.

Forsooth                 Hysteria
Frenzy                    Unchangeable
Prevail                    Overcome
Blatherskite             Wise
Immutable               Truly
Sapient                   Chatterbox

B.      Circle the correct answer to complete the sentence

1.        A soldier wearing a morion is protecting  
a.       his foot.
b.       his elbow.
c.       his thigh.
d.       his head.

2.        The biddable maiden was known to be
a.       a great auctioneer.
b.       short and sassy.
c.       docile and obedient.
d.       always hungry.

3.        The aged abbot was employed by   
a.       a church.
b.       a bakery.
c.       a nanny.
d.       a school.

4.       The gaudiest dress was
a.       excessively showy.
b.       elegant.
c.       boring.
d.       plain and simple

5.       The pesky brother liked to tease and _____________ his big sister.
a.       snuggle with
b.       nettle
c.       sing to
d.       comfort

6.       The people heard ________ coming from the calliope.
a.       a bark
b.       laughter
c.       music
d.       birds

7.       The angry King _______ his enemies.
a.       kissed
b.       tickled
c.       smote
d.       decorated

8.       The offensive and disgusting dump was
a.       meditative.
b.       charitable.
c.       benevolent.
d.       noisome.

C.     Fill in the blank with the missing words of the sentence.

1.        An expression of regret or sorrow is “  _______________.”
2.       A person’s name that is peculiarly appropriate to an occupation or quality is an  _____________________.
3.       A thin piece of bread or toast spread with cheese is a  ____________________ .
4.       A knight might wear a ________________________ to protect himself.
5.       Hank was not a magician but a __________________ mortal.
lackaday           canape              hauberk            aptronym          mere

D.      True or False

________  1.  Dancers must have a lot of rheumatism to be successful.
________  2.  A person who has more than enough to eat and drink is living in privations.
________  3.  A public affair or issue is considered res publica.
________  4.  A camarilla is a group of clowns.
________  5.  A restaurateur owns a car rental agency.

E.      Match the words with their word origins.

Immutable                     Latin, gaudere, to rejoice
Gaudiest                       Greek, kallos “beauty” and opos “voice”
Canape                         Latin, praevelere, to have greater power
Calliope                        Old English, biddan,  to beg or ask
Sapient                         Latin, sapiens, wise
Prevail                          Latin,  immutabale, unchanging
Biddable                       Latin, canapeum, mosquito net

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