Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Writing 2 Class Notes -- February 14


Happy Belated Valentine's Day!  In honor of the day, the Quick Write was a "literary love letter."  They were to write a letter of affection and appreciation to an author, book, character, grammar item like punctuation or parts of speech.  We had a creative piece expressing love for "rhyming."  For our Vocabulary Challenge, the students added their own words to the list.

The students have begun to read from the Great Short Short Stories book.  This week they were assigned 3 stories by Russian writers:  Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, and Alexander Pushkin.  We had a lively discussion about a thief, a coffin maker, and three hermits.  With each story we tried to determine which was the focus, the theme, plot, characters, or setting.  I re-explained the worksheets that I handed out.

I collected the final copies of their Cause/Effect or Problem/Solution and look forward to reading them.  This year I've asked the students to hand in their rough drafts along with the final copies.  Looking at the both copies shows the work they've done to improve their writing.  Our next assignment is an Evaluation Essay.  I've explained this essay a little more thoroughly in a blog entry.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read the following stories: 
     "Nobody's Story"  (Dickens, p. 45)
     "The Sphynx without a Secret" (Wilde, p. 189)
     "Wee Willie Winkee"  (Kipling, p. 101)
     "The Open Window"  (Munro/Saki, p. 140)
-- Fill out 1 Short Story Worksheet each for 2 stories.  Fill out a Character & Setting Worksheet for a third story.
-- Pre-Writing for Evaluation Essay.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Prichard

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