Writing 2 – Fall 2014
Classroom Policies
Classroom Conduct
As we explore the topics in our literature
selections and the various aspects of writing, we’ll engage in whole-class and
small group discussions. Be polite and
respectful of each others time and comments.
We only meet once a week and need to make the
most of our time. Come to class prepared
and with the appropriate materials (books, notebook, pens, etc.). Avoid unrelated and unnecessary conversations
and activities that will distract us from learning. Turn off ALL electronic devices. (They may be confiscated until the end of the
CHAT school day.)
Weekly updates that include the material covered
and upcoming assignments will be sent to the e-mail addresses that parents
submitted when registering for the class.
I will also collect e-mail addresses from students. I prefer to communicate via e-mail, but can
be reached on my cell phone if the concern is urgent. (507/581-0270)
I’m using two other on-line resources: a blog
and a document storage site, Dropbox.
Here’s how they will work:
2 – www.chatwriting2.blogspot.com. The blog entries will contain the same
information from the e-mail updates. I’m
hoping these entries will serve as a consolidation and reference for our weekly
lessons for the semester. Hopefully we
can avoid forgotten assignments or missing e-mails.
– www.dropbox.com. Most of the handouts will be available on the
Dropbox website. Parents and students
will receive an e-mail and be invited to view the “Writing 2” folder. These documents can be downloaded and printed
from home computers.
Homework Guidelines
Short writing assignments should be handed in
when due or e-mailed by midnight on the Sunday after it was assigned. They will also be accepted after that but
with a reduction in score.
Keep on schedule with the reading
assignments. Students who have read the
assigned portions will engage more actively, learn more effectively and enjoy
more fully the class discussions.
Rough drafts must be handed in on time, either in class or via e-mail so
that they can be corrected and handed back on time. If a rough draft does not get handed in, the
student will miss out on the opportunity to learn from mistakes. His/her composition will be graded as a final
Final copies of assigned essays should be handed
in when due or e-mailed by midnight on the Sunday after it was assigned. With special permission, an essay will be
given an extension of up to 4 days.
Papers handed in later will receive a reduction in score.
Extra credit activities will be offered from
time to time. The thrust of these will
be mostly “fun and interest.” Even
though the scores will be added to the cumulative scores for the class, they
are not a substitute for regular assignments.
Grading Policy
Accumulating points is the NOT an important
aspect of this class. My goal is that
students grow as learners and writers; this is not always reflected in
classroom points. However, points are a
helpful indicator of diligence, improvement, and, to some extent, quality.
Points will be given in the following areas:
– 1 pt. /day (However, if a student is sick or excused, adjustments will be
– 5 pt. /day. This includes good
attitudes, helpful comments in the discussions, respect of others.
Writes & Vocabulary Builders – 2 pt. /day.
These exercises at the beginning of each class will not be graded for
content, but will receive points for participation.
writing assignments, including lists, grammar exercises, 1 paragraph answers,
etc. – points are dependent on the assignment.
Credit – 2 – 10 pt. each, depending on the assignment.
– 5 points for outlines, mindmaps, and any activity that shows brainstorming
and researching.
Drafts – 10 points for handing it in on time.
Essays – 40 pt. Essays will be graded in
three areas: Focus, Content,
Organization, and Mechanics /Grammar.