Saturday, April 25, 2020

Essay Re-Write

The purpose of this essay is to improve editing skills by rewriting a previously written essay.  Effective editing is a step-by-step process.  One key is to re-read a paper multiple times, looking for only one kind of error at a time.

Editing Plan
As you re-read your paper, look for any errors in the following areas:
·      Complete sentences:  Each sentence should have a subject, verb, and a complete thought.  Look for incomplete and run-on/comma splice sentences.
·      Parallel Constructions:  Faulty parallel construction leads to unclear and awkward sentences.
·      There are/is/was/will be, etc.:  Any sentences with this type of construction must be changed.
·      Punctuation:  Pay close attention to commas and ending punctuation.
·      Agreement:  Make sure all subjects and verbs agree; also look for noun/pronoun agreement.
·      Spelling:  With the spell check function for most word processing software, this is not as much of a problem as it used to be.  However, your computer will not know if you’ve put the wrong word in, or it may autocorrect and change the word from the one you intended.
·      Paragraph construction:  Each paragraph must have a main idea.  Make sure that all of the thoughts expressed in the paragraph are part of that main idea.  Do any sentences need to be moved to another paragraph?  Does the paragraph need to be divided into smaller paragraphs?
·      Organization:  Is the overall organization of the paper logical?  Does each point lead to the next?  Should it be rearranged?
·      Content:  The essay should give sufficient information to support your thesis. Have you included enough background information?  Have you satisfactorily covered the material?  As you re-read, look for ways to expand your essay.  Also, note any information that seems unnecessary. 

Thesis Development
Your essay should have a clearly defined thesis that you explain and support.  Sometimes a thesis is simple and straightforward; sometimes they are more complex.  Your reader should never be confused as to your topic and your decided opinion or stand on that topic.           

Essay Guidelines
 Due date:  April 30
 Essay length:  500 – 700 words (between 2 and 4 pages)
 Final draft format:
 Typed (if this is not possible, please let me know)
 1 inch margins
 Name and date on the upper right hand corner
 Number the pages on the lower right hand corner
 Title centered above the text of the essay

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